@extends(backpack_view('blank')) @php function formatDate($data) { $date = date_create($data); return date_format($date,"d M Y"); } $lead = \App\Models\Lead::whereBetween('created_at', [$date_from, $date_to])->get(); $leadCount = $lead->count(); if (backpack_user()->hasRole('ADMIN') || backpack_user()->hasRole('MARKETING') || backpack_user()->hasRole('MANAGEMENT')){ // Year to date sales Widget::add([ 'type' => 'view', 'view' => 'backpack::chart.year_to_date', 'date_from' => formatDate($date_from), 'date_to' => formatDate($date_to), ]); // Backlog Sales Widget::add([ 'type' => 'view', 'view' => 'backpack::chart.sales_backlog', 'date_from' => formatDate($date_from), 'date_to' => formatDate($date_to), ]); // Lead Paperline and Lead Source Widget::add([ 'type' => 'div', 'class' => 'row mb-4 chart-dashboard', 'content' => [ [ 'type' => 'chart', 'wrapper' => ['class' =>'widget-view col-md-6'], 'controller' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\StatusLeadsChartController::class, 'content' => [ 'body' => '

Leads Pipeline

'. formatDate($date_from).' - '. formatDate($date_to).'

 Total Leads: '.$leadCount.'
', ] ], [ 'type' => 'chart', 'wrapper' => ['class' =>'widget-view col-md-6'], 'controller' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\LeadSourceChartController::class, 'content' => [ 'body' => '

Leads Source

'. formatDate($date_from).' - '. formatDate($date_to).'
', ] ], ], ]); // Opportunity stuck Widget::add([ 'type' => 'div', 'class' => 'row mb-4 chart-dashboard', 'content' => [ [ 'type' => 'chart', 'wrapper' => ['class' =>'col-md-6 widget-view'], 'controller' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\OppStuckChartController::class, 'content' => [ 'body' => '

Opportunity stuck > 180 days

'. formatDate($date_from).' - '. formatDate($date_to).'
', ] ] ], ]); } else { // Target Chart $format = '$ -'; $target = \App\Models\SalesTarget::where('user_id', backpack_auth()->id())->where('year',date('Y'))->first(); if($target != null){ $fmt = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); $fmt->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS, 0); $format = $fmt->formatCurrency($target->target, 'USD'); } $backYear = now()->format('Y') - 1; $backlog = \App\Models\VariationOrder::with('agreement.quotation.lead.salesman.user') ->whereYear('created_at', date($backYear)) // ->where('payment_status', 'unpayment') ->get(); $backlogSales = array(); $backlogTotal = array(); foreach ($backlog as $back){ if($back->agreement != null) { if ($back->agreement->quotation->lead->salesman->user->id == backpack_user()->getAuthIdentifier()) { $backlogSales[] = [ 'client' => $back->agreement->quotation->client_name, 'remain' => 10000 ]; $backlogTotal[] = 10000; } } } $data = [ 'backlog' => $backlogSales, 'total' => array_sum($backlogTotal), 'year' => $backYear ]; if (backpack_user()->hasRole('TEAM LEAD')) { Widget::add([ 'type' => 'dashboard-title', 'wrapper' => ['class' => 'col-sm-12'], 'content' => '

Team Lead

', ]); Widget::add([ 'type' => 'div', 'class' => 'row chart-dashboard', 'content' => [ [ 'type' => 'chart', 'wrapper' => ['class' =>'widget-view col-md-7'], 'controller' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\SalesTargetChartController::class, 'content' => [ 'body' => '

Sales Target vs Actual

'.formatDate($date_from).' - '.formatDate($date_today).'
' ] ], [ 'type' => 'view', 'view' => 'backpack::chart.backlog_reminder', 'date_from' => formatDate($date_from), 'date_to' => formatDate($date_today), 'data' => $data, ] ], ]); Widget::add([ 'type' => 'dashboard-title', 'wrapper' => ['class' => 'col-sm-12'], 'content' => '


', ]); } //Sales Target vs Actual and Backlog Reminder Widget::add([ 'type' => 'div', 'class' => 'row chart-dashboard', 'content' => [ [ 'type' => 'chart', 'wrapper' => ['class' =>'widget-view col-md-7'], 'controller' => \App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Charts\SalesTargetChartController::class, 'content' => [ 'body' => '

Sales Target vs Actual

'.formatDate($date_from).' - '.formatDate($date_today).'
' ] ], [ 'type' => 'view', 'view' => 'backpack::chart.backlog_reminder', 'date_from' => formatDate($date_from), 'date_to' => formatDate($date_today), 'data' => $data, ] ], ]); } @endphp @section('content') @endsection @section('before_styles') @endsection